Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yankee Trader Crab Cakes!

I bought some delicious and LOW CAL crabcakes and just had to blog about them. I got a pack that came 2 in a box at 60 calories a cake for $4.99. it was big enough to be put on a roll but I ate it plain with ketchup (like I do with way too many foods) and it was pretty substantial that I didn't need to eat a slice of leftover pizza (but I did)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Great Debate

I had work today, as I was driving to work this adorable old man with a man purse was walking across the street right when the light turned green. I was far enough away that it didnt matter but then he kept giving everyone in the street the middle finger! Brought a smile to my face, I love crazy people.
Okay anyways on with the debate. This is for people that have worked in restaurants or chefs. The chef at my place is super mean and yells at people for no reason. All the servers were talking about past chefs and past jobs and said they have never met a nice chef. Every restaurant I've worked at the chefs have been such sweethearts but it seems that the overwhelming concensus is that chefs are jerks :) Have you worked with a mean chef? A nice chef? Are you a chef and want your say about what is really going on in the kitchen? I would like to know so write a comment if you got one!

I got the Frontega chicken panini from Panera today after work (we are supposed to have an employee meal before the restaurant gets busy but we didnt, read above paragraph for reason). I hate being so hungry that you need something really filling but don't have the patience to cook it :( oh well it was delicious!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Obsession (not such a good one!)

don't EVEN ask me why this picture is SOO BIG! :) Okay well I've gone pretty much my whole life thinking I hated hotdogs. Bad experience? maybe. Plus everyone saying they put EVERY undesirable thing under the sun in them helped to keep me away from this food. There always seemed to be a burger option at BBQs and I LOVE burgers so I never had to face a dog in the eye :) but when I got to college there would be tailgates with HOTDOGS ONLY. I would either starve or get drunk enough where I ate one and later later was like "I was sooo drunk I ate a hotdog!!!" But the other week I was at the store and saw these Hebrew Nationals 97% fat free and I had to have them! They were $3 on sale for 7 dogs which was a lot more than any other but when you are trying something out for the first time you always choose the company that "answers to a higher authority" I don't know too much about kosher but I do know mixing meat and dairy is a no-no and that it is a very sanitary process when they cut the meat and such. Lets just say integrity is used when making this food! Okay soo I ate two for breakfast (we have NOTHING in this house) and they were awesome covered in horseradish-mustard and ketchup in a toasted bun! When you have are having a cook out party holla out to the health concious ladies and gents and get these!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Heres comes the rain

I can't believe how rainy and gross New York has been. I've barely been here a week and I'm ready to pack up and move back to Ohio. Reasons why rain is awesome: My car has never looked this clean and I never have to go outside and water my garden. Reasons why rain is not awesome: every other reason than those two. Its really pouring here, so much so that I can barely here my Law and Order SVU! Mariska Hagartay is soo beautiful, I hope I didn't botch her name too bad. I popped out of bed at 7 and worked from 10-3 today I got home by 4 and pretty much lounged around and have been looking for jobs. Ughh looking for jobs is so depressing, does a college education count for anything these days? I already know the answer: No. Tomorrow is my only day off I fear for the next century so it better be beautiful. Wow I'm such a complainer! I hope everyone else is a little less down in the dumps than me, I just need some sun!

FOOD NEWS! For breakfast I made myself a fantastic omelet with my parents omelet maker (its so old I think they got it for their wedding or something) If you are ANYTHING like me omelets are just an impossible food to make unless you have a fancy tool ( if I just have a skillet they just become scrambled eggs with stuff in them) I made one yesterday w/ ham/spinach and cheese and today was spinach/cheese/sourcream. I think I need some onions and mushrooms they just get together with eggs and harmonize amazingly :) I've been making 3 egg omelets because I have a long day ahead of me at the restaurant and need some PROTEIN to keep me going all day.