Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weight Update!

-3 pounds this week! I must give all the credit to Calorie Camp! Its a new feature that gives you points for logging food and achieving goals you set for yourself. I'm very motivated by points (gold star syndrome) and they actually can be used for prizes! If you are thinking about using a website to track your calories and lose weight I highly recommend

-Its free
-It has a success story every Monday
-There are forums with any topic you can think of
-there are thousands of foods with calorie counts
-calorie camp
-It does an analysis of your day with calories, nutrients, and you view it through out the day to see what you need
-some of the calorie counts are wrong (can make slight adjustments with size to make saved foods correct)
-if you accidentally put a food in the wrong meal you have to delete it and re-input it (instead of pulling it down to another category)
-I don't always agree with the grades they give foods
-my sodium is always off the charts (okay so this may be my fault)

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