I can't believe how rainy and gross New York has been. I've barely been here a week and I'm ready to pack up and move back to Ohio. Reasons why rain is awesome: My car has never looked this clean and I never have to go outside and water my garden. Reasons why rain is not awesome: every other reason than those two. Its really pouring here, so much so that I can barely here my Law and Order
SVU! Mariska
Hagartay is
soo beautiful, I hope I didn't botch her name too bad. I popped out of bed at 7 and worked from 10-3 today I got home by 4 and pretty much lounged around and have been looking for jobs.
Ughh looking for jobs is so depressing, does a college education count for anything these days? I already know the answer: No. Tomorrow is my only day off I fear for the next century so it better be beautiful. Wow I'm such a
complainer! I hope everyone else is a little less down in the dumps than me, I just need some sun!
FOOD NEWS! For breakfast I made myself a fantastic omelet with my parents omelet maker (its so old I think they got it for their wedding or something) If you are ANYTHING like me omelets are just an impossible food to make unless you have a fancy tool ( if I just have a skillet they just become scrambled eggs with stuff in them) I made one yesterday w/ ham/spinach and cheese and today was spinach/cheese/
sourcream. I think I need some onions and mushrooms they just get together with eggs and harmonize amazingly :) I've been making 3 egg omelets because I have a long day ahead of me at the restaurant and need some PROTEIN to keep me going all day.