So I've decided to start healthy eating a day early, eating crappy food was really getting to me I just felt blahh....soooo time to throw out the junk and start eating vegetables again!! I'm excited I want to feel healthy and fit for the summer!

Magic Bullet Lesson 1: Apparently you need to read instructions.... So this was once a pepper now it is salsa. I am going to try to find something to do with this

These are my Reebok Easytones, I don't think they have done much for me but I do love them they are comfy and give you that nice tingly feeling after walking for a while in them and sitting down.

Magic Bullet- after a year and a half...yes a year and a half of wanting one of these I finally got one. I am sooo excited I should have done this a year and a half ago... Except for the pepper incident I think we are going to get along splendidly. I got it at Kohls for $49.99 plus 15% because I used my charge card!

I've had this soda stream soda maker since Christmas, its the perfect thing to have if you are an avid soda drinker. I try to replace at least one of my soda cravings with sodawater instead. I just end up drinking a whole bottle once I start so its a great way to get in my eight servings of water a day. This was off of too!
Alright well I'm going to put the radio on blast and start doing some way late and much needed spring cleaning. Our neighborhood has biannual garage sales (I love garage sales, its half the fun knowing which of your neighbors should be on "hoarders") So what do you do with your old stuff? Garage sales? Ebay? Goodwill? Trash? Let me know!