Not a bagel but a great change from light bread. I've been making egg sandwiches on these and I have been enjoying it :)
Realizing my college ways were extremely indulgent, going back to the basics with some backtracking and sidesteps along the way
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Products Reviews Continued...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lunch for tomorrow, dessert for tonight
LUNCH! I mashed up some black beans, carrots, broccoli, and then remembered my spinach and put some on top and a slice of provolone cheese...oooh and hot sauce. I am just waiting for the babyfood comments tomorrow and I am not excited about them....
Nobody at my work is what you would call "health conscience" in fact one of my co-workers who is a nursing student stared at me in disbelief after I freaked out when she told me she often eats ramen from the vending machine....Now I am no food snob, but I did manage to get through all 4 years of college without ramen. Pretty sure spaghetti and sauce is the same price and doesn't have 7 days worth of sodium..Okay I realize I drink diet soda so I will get off my soap box...
so hungry!
Wow I was so hungry when I got home I didn't even stop to check my email ( thats legit crazy hungry for me) I made some chicken and cooked it in a skillet with el paso fajita seasoning. I blended black beans, two tomatillos , sour cream , and the rest of my green pepper, hot sauce and lime juice and blended. Very good for a "fridge cleaning" idea.
Monday, May 17, 2010
ugh bad blogger
FIRST: My lunch for tomorrow turkey sandwich w/ monterey jack cheese, an orange, and a delights rasberry and chocolate yogurt(this stuff is goooddd) ...mmm I'm already excited!!!
sorry I'm a bad blogger, unfortunately the girl who comes in after me called in and I had to stay :( I was kind of upset because 1. I had an incredible dinner planned ( I will do it tomorrow) and 2. I then had to go out and buy dinner because I could not work 9 to 9 with eating some dinner! So I ended up getting a campbells healthy request soup and a box of cheese whales. Oh well more excitement for me tomorrow
Sunday, May 16, 2010
just call me kermit
In this monster shake
1/2 cup almond breeze
1/2 banana
5 ice cubes
a few handfuls of spinach
a little bit of the green pepper mush from my earlier post
and just in time for desperate housewives!!
Lunch X2 snack and Dinner
Getting Fit Gimmicks
So I've decided to start healthy eating a day early, eating crappy food was really getting to me I just felt blahh....soooo time to throw out the junk and start eating vegetables again!! I'm excited I want to feel healthy and fit for the summer!
Alright well I'm going to put the radio on blast and start doing some way late and much needed spring cleaning. Our neighborhood has biannual garage sales (I love garage sales, its half the fun knowing which of your neighbors should be on "hoarders") So what do you do with your old stuff? Garage sales? Ebay? Goodwill? Trash? Let me know!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Back and more inspired than ever!
So I've really missed blogging so I'm excited to be starting up again! I have gained weight and am really ready to get back on track with calorie counting...startinggg Monday, I don't know about you but for some reason I feel the need to gorge on food I pretend I'm never going to eat again before I start my cleanse! Soo my favorite foods to gorge on sour cream and onion chips I absolutely have no control! Its sad really but I never buy them soo I have really been enjoying them this weekend. I got some Tyson chicken fingers and a frozen pizza (definitely should have just gotten a slice from a restaurant frozen is always a mistake) oohh and kraft mac and cheese! Soo now that you know the dirty truth I really am excited to start my diet. I know exactly when I need to start dieting because I starting freaking out when a camera emerges! So hopefully next week I'll be a few pounds thinner and even more motivated to continue on my diet! I will keep you updated! I'm not sure what my goal is pound-wise because I have scale issues but I keep track by how my jeans fit!
So I want to hear it! What are your before diet rituals? What are your favorite diet meals/snacks?
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