lunch was the same thing as yesterday except I added some spinach. a 1/2 cup of shredded chicken, a roll (these rolls are tiny and white bread :( I wish I hadnt bought them but you know those 49 cents deals at kroger are hard to pass up! A cheese stick and the rest of my fresh bag of spinach, the bowl was overflowing before I put it in the microwave and it shrunk to the bottom of the bowl after.
AMAZING NEWS! I finally sold my desk and bookshelf-it is paid for and gone! I also sold my sterlite plastic drawer set and cubic storage thingy! I'm so glad, not only because I sold it but because I wont have to throw it away. I would have tried to bring it to goodwill if I couldn't sell it but I'm not sure if my car could fit much in it.
I think the people that bought it were college students which I'm happy about because you HAVE to buy furniture for your rooms but its usually not stuff you are going to keep forever, mine was in great condition but anything I bought from the "plastic storage" department in Target isnt something I'd want past college so I got to make a little money while they got to save a lot of money, EVERYONE WINS!
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