Monday, July 6, 2009

will power FAIL

okay so I'll admit it I went grocery shopping yesterday after promising myself I wouldn't until after I left Columbus. I think I bought some vital things though:ice cream cookie sandwiches, colbyjack cheese sticks, hummus and a tub of Chi Chis refrigerated shredded chicken. I was getting so bored with what I had at home that I negotiated with myself if I bought a few things I would actually save money instead of going to get food at a casual place about twice; I got everything @ the grocery store for $13.

So for lunch I had shredded chicken with a hamburger roll to dip into it and a cheese stick, grocery purchases already showing their value.

I highly reccomend Chi Chi's chredded chicken its soo good and so easy if you are bored with the usual turkey sandwich. I'm not sure about the sodium I'm sure its high but its 60 cal/2g of fat for a 1/4 cup which fills a sandwich so I'm not going to complain.

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