Realizing my college ways were extremely indulgent, going back to the basics with some backtracking and sidesteps along the way
Friday, July 31, 2009
A lesson in life from Jillian Michaels

Thursday, July 30, 2009
I just want to be a grown up with a vocation, but I'll tell you about my day foodwise

my dad grilled up a Perdue's perfect portion chicken breast with Sweet Baby Ray's sauce. I'm very particular about what kind of bbq sauce I like and this stuff in awesome, beyond awesome even. I also ate some delicious corn from a farmers market and zucchini cooked in tomato sauce (ehh so-so but don't tell my mom this is one of her "classic recipes")
I got a job but not a job that I'm really excited about. I'm a server at a nearby country club. My boss told me several times how "demanding" the customers can be....oh fun :) This willl probably be something I only do for the next few months anyways and hopefully only on the weekends once I get a real job.
Breakfast and lunch were both the same thing-leftover Spinoccoli Pizzeria Uno pizza. I think I've mentioned "trigger foods" before, pizza is one for me. When its in the house it fills my dreams and its all I think about until it is gone. This pizza has got some power to it. It is heavy as anything and has a crust like a crossiant sooo good and its actually filling after two slices...shocking.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dinner recap, salad for lunch and a sad dinner

I saw an ad for this on the side of my blog the other day and had to try it! I got the Wanchai Ferry Sweet and Spicy shrimp meal. I ofcourse added broccoli to it but it would have had two pretty big portions without the added veg. it was 4.5 grams fat/400 cal/13 g protein per serving (not prepared but just use some more water and pam instead of oil) which if you love chinese food but don't get it b/c of the scarily unknown amount of calories this was an excellent runner up.

I've become addicted to salads, I go through a salad phase at least once a year where they are all I can think about. Today was green peppers, carrots, lettuce, banana peppers, cheddar cheese, cucumber and blue cheese dressing. It was really good although I'm going to try to switch to a lighter dressing from now on than Marzetti'sUltimate Blue Cheese :) It really is a phenomenal dressing though. I had come home from the gym and had eaten a banana and a few cherries because I heard bananas are good for sore muscles (can anyone vouge for this?) and also fruit's vitamins and antioxidants are much better digested when eaten alone on an empty stomach.
I have mentioned this in a few posts before so I'm not going to try to depress anyone too much but we are putting down my dog today. Its a sad thing ofcourse but after seeing her lack of quality of life this past week I'm wierdly okay with it, or maybe it just hasnt hit me yet. Shes definately not the same dog I grew up with. My family's going to order in some Pizzeria Uno tonight because we all will need a little comfort food and no one will feel like cooking.
Monday, July 27, 2009
planting my garden
Today I drove over to Hewitts a local garden store and bought sweet basil, green beans, cucumber and tomato seeds. I held off on the tomatoes because they take a long time to harvest and can be bought half grown nearby. I got bit by a lot of mosquitoes and stung by a bee on my elbow, I can barely straighten my arm (awesome) but hopefully it will all be worth it in the next month and a half when I'm eating my own produce. Its been a rainy NY this summer, I've only been home for a few days and its rained everyday of it so I hope this won't negatively affect my plants and only rain enough so I don't have to go out and water my plants :)
My camera is still packed but I went grocery shopping the minute I got home and have some awesome products I want to recommend!
I bought a box of this, I know it is not the healthiest cereal out there but its soo delicious and stopped me from eating an entire jar of PB.
Walmart's (warning, not an actual photo) -Black bean and corn pico de gallo! I found this in the refrigerated section near the produce for $2 and can't stop eating it. I've put it over a bunch of lettuce and then put some shredded cheese on top and a little blue cheese dressing for an awesome salad
Also glad to see I have some new followers! It makes me very excited that people are reading my blog and I'm not just writing this for my benefit! so thanks to everyone that has been following so far!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Disapearing act!
Hey everyone I havent posted in the past few days because I just made the LONG trip home from Columbus, Ohio to Saratoga Springs, NY. I've been unpacking and seeing friends so I havent had any time for the blog! I went to Fridays last night and had the Santa Fe chopped salad (no olives) and it was really good and if you go to www.tgifridays.com you can print $5 off for every person you bring along! Nothing better than going out to eat with friends in the summer and their drink list was really hard to resist! okay I'm going to make a sandwich
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
God's gift to college Students
So I just came back from an econ experiment and not only are they fun they are profitable. I made $20 in an hour just for playing money games! I'd been driving around for about 15 minutes looking for a spot beforehand b/c I think I packed up my umbrella and it was about to pour! The whole time I was playing I was thinking MY CAR BETTER NOT GET TOWED!!! I checked the sign a few times but on my way there I saw 2 meter ticketers so no one is ever safe! If you are a college kid look into stuff like this at your school-econ and psych experiments are the most common, theres also a lot of medical studies at my school as well but I'm too afraid to take pills for cash(you get paid in the 1,000's though, very tempting)!!! I got started because they automatically signed up econ students but any major can do them. Well my car didnt get towed incase you were wondering and I also packed up my trunk so I'm ready for my move-out EARLY friday morning, my parents are bringing my dog Katie up for the trip b/c shes just not doing too good and they feel bad leaving her with the neighbors and the vet can't take dogs on weekends.
southwestern vegetable soup lunch and a product endorsement

I had a can of progresso southwesten style vegetable soup! I love soup and this is an awesome low-cal soup, I wanted to pair with with a slice of bread and garlic hummus but the fridge has seemed to have eaten it :/ oh well I'll probably have a kids clif Zbar right now.

It is time I do another "I don't know what I'd do without this product" post! The Body Shop is hands down the scent masters, I put this on after my shower and I can't stop smelling myself and feeling how soft my skin is, its truly a miracle in a jar!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Healthy Tuna Salad sandwich
I would have taken a picture but I was about 1/2 done with the sandwich before I even thought about it. I stirred up a can of solid white tuna in water (drained it) with a BIG squeeze of yellow mustard and a small squeeze of FF zesty italian dressing. I needed a crunch and was saddened because I didn't have celery but found a close second! A jar of dill pickles! i love pickles and they gave the right amount of crunch in my tuna sandwich and I had two more on the side.
Its a miracle people! I finally sold my bed and its out of my house! I couldn't be more pleased! Its the only thing I KNOW I wouldn't be able to fit in my dads car. I was feeling hungry @ 3 but meeting people after a tuna sandwich is not something I'm willing to do so I waited until they came and took the bed so I didn't eat until 4.

Dinner last night- Smart Ones Lemon Herb Chicken Piccata w/ rice-(230 cals) really good but I was hungry after an hour and got a cup of Cookie dough @ UDF
Dunkin Donuts Flatbread and iced coffee
Monday, July 20, 2009
lunch time
My one task for the day, besides getting my coffee mocha was to re-install my closet doors after taking them off two short years ago, I cannot for the life of me figure it out. I may have to get the help of a male on this one...
broke and lovin' it (please get the McD's reference!) and last nights amazingness!
So my roomate who works with me went out for dinner and drinks last night with my boss Sarah. Shes a fun young lady and we've always talked about going out together but never got around to it until I had to leave. It was soo much fun , Julia(roommate) and I cabbed it down to Rossi in the Short North b/c ever since I was plating mint leaves on dessert plates all I could think about was how much I wanted to try a mojito(alcoholic much? yeah I know). Sarah told us this place had the best mojitos and with no other mojito experiences to reference from I'd have to agree, Julia and I sucked down two while Sarah got a belevedere martini! We then got 2 margarita pizzas-rumored best pizza in c-bus, definitely could have gotten just one but atleast Sarah has some awesome leftovers and ofcourse Sarah being a sweetheart paid for everything TOTALLY UNEXPECTED, but soo nice of her! If you live in the Columbus area or are ever visiting Rossi is a great place to eat and drink at and its very low key on Sundays atleast! We were all up for some more drinks and Julia and I were telling Sarah we were buying her everything from now on! Ofcourse when we got to Bodega and I tried to get my credit card out it totally flew across the bar and Sarah yet again paid. When I ordered my 2nd blue moon I already had my money in hand to throw at the bartender! The Tour De France was on TV and Sarah knew everything about it, it was crazy! I had no idea how much strategy and politics were in biking! They all bike in those lines because it helps each other out and theres also people in the race that bascially try to push you off course called the peliton? probably wrong this was about 3 drinks in when Sarah was telling me. I think there was a couple on a first date or something across from us at the bar and the guy was totally talking to Sarah the whole time about the race and his poor date kept rolling her eyes! Note to self: never on any circumstance on a date sit at a bar. The night was so much fun and as much as the Columbus can be really hokey, the Short North is one of the hippest places I've ever been to; your car feels the change in energy as you drive through it.
So this week is clearly not going to be healthy! I have an excuse though! Too many fast food establishments are giving away food and I couldn't possibly turn them down could I? So my friend told me about McDonalds summer giveaways and you can get FREE Mocha lattes every Monday from 7 am to 7pm! So I'm pretty sure thats why my body naturally bounced out of bed at 8:30 am and thought COFFEE! I got a sausage McMuffin too b/c I felt a little weird going just for a free coffee so I got a 16 OZ iced coffee and a sauasage McMuffin for a $1?? what?? crazy and I was about to go to the exxon station next door for a coffee! I do think they gave me the wrong size coffee though b/c my friend told me sample sized, so no one get your hopes up. McDonalds also has a $1 any size soda (umm large obvs) for an unknown amount of time as well.
as for tomorrow, Starbucks sent me an invite for a free pastry with any beverage purchase! I'm soo not a pastry girl but I like to stick it to Starbucks whenever I can, when at Starbucks I never realize 4 dollars for a coffee is ridiculous but when I'm at the supermarket buying 260 cups of folgers coffee for $6 I'm like wow starbucks you are a tricky minx. I mean its such a good idea, coffee is the oxygen of the morning you can charge pretty much anything you want for it and people will pay it. Okay well if I get any more tips on good deals on food or you have one send it in! Also if any readers want to send in an AWESOME local restaurant in or near their town so that we can have some "inside" knowledge if we travel there that would be great! When I get back to Saratoga Springs I'll be doing some reviews!
So this week is clearly not going to be healthy! I have an excuse though! Too many fast food establishments are giving away food and I couldn't possibly turn them down could I? So my friend told me about McDonalds summer giveaways and you can get FREE Mocha lattes every Monday from 7 am to 7pm! So I'm pretty sure thats why my body naturally bounced out of bed at 8:30 am and thought COFFEE! I got a sausage McMuffin too b/c I felt a little weird going just for a free coffee so I got a 16 OZ iced coffee and a sauasage McMuffin for a $1?? what?? crazy and I was about to go to the exxon station next door for a coffee! I do think they gave me the wrong size coffee though b/c my friend told me sample sized, so no one get your hopes up. McDonalds also has a $1 any size soda (umm large obvs) for an unknown amount of time as well.
as for tomorrow, Starbucks sent me an invite for a free pastry with any beverage purchase! I'm soo not a pastry girl but I like to stick it to Starbucks whenever I can, when at Starbucks I never realize 4 dollars for a coffee is ridiculous but when I'm at the supermarket buying 260 cups of folgers coffee for $6 I'm like wow starbucks you are a tricky minx. I mean its such a good idea, coffee is the oxygen of the morning you can charge pretty much anything you want for it and people will pay it. Okay well if I get any more tips on good deals on food or you have one send it in! Also if any readers want to send in an AWESOME local restaurant in or near their town so that we can have some "inside" knowledge if we travel there that would be great! When I get back to Saratoga Springs I'll be doing some reviews!
Sunday, July 19, 2009

food time! I had a grilled cheese and broc sandwich, I covered the outside with minced garlic...love garlic, I liked this idea of adding a veg to grilled cheese I bet it would be really good w/ onions or mushrooms or both! I had the rest of a head of lettuce I had. It was getting dangeroulsy old and looks a lot like iceberg in this pic. I covered it in some light balsamic dressing, still tasted good! And also theres a babes in blogland contest, so if you like my blog a lot give me a vote! http://somethingiwantedtotellyou.blogspot.com/ theres more info @ Kims website!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Weekend Recap

Yesterday was a lot of work and a lot of fun. I cleaned out the kitchen of all the stuff I brought and washed it all so it would be super clean. After soaking and handcleaning all the silverware I must say, girls are disgusting! I fashioned myself some "towel-shoes" and cleaned our kitchen/living room floor because our mop was not up for the challenge! The rest of the cleaning involved a lot of comet! When I get started I really don't mind cleaning its just the whole getting started part thats hard!
On to the fun, I drove down to Cincinnati to visit my friend who just got a job. He technically lives in Kentucky so last night we literally walked from Kentucky to Ohio to go out! We went to a club called Cadillac Ranch and it was pretty crazy, they had a mechanical bull there (I don't do mechanical bulls I learned one night several times over that they just aren't for short people) I saw a bride on it! Her friend was tucking her dress in for her so it wouldn't go anywhere and all I could think was "shouldn't you be on your honeymoon?" hahah well to each their own! So that was my crazy night in cincin, before I left I had to get an oil change, my car was yelling at me the whole way there. Thank goodness Kevin went with me I've actually never gotten an oil change or anything like that, kind of embarrassing but thats what dads are for, shout out to Rob! We got there and the whole place smelled of...an illicit green plant and all the mechanics were acting accordingly atleast there was someone out there to laugh at the ridiculous amount of bird poop covering my car (sadistic columbus birds, you know who you are) so I just prayed they remembered to change my oil after making fun of my car. I got a $10 discount for going to OSU so that was pretty awesome and my car was ready for a trip back to c-bus. I drove home late afternoon I realized I hadn't eaten anything in about 20 hours except for vodka and was happy I packed a banana and a fiberone bar. I stopped by Jeffersonville Prime outlets b/c I saw it on my way there and couldnt resist on the way back, I didnt end up getting anything though. I went to the Fossil Outlet and saw my beloved sunglasses that broke but the two pairs they had at the outlet were half-broken, I took that as a sign and stopped searching. I love Fossil sunglasses but they do break VERY easily-but they also have an awesome return policy in the retail stores, so word of the wise save your fossil receipts and all will be fine. I wanted to go to the Coach outlet to see if they had a purse to match my adorable wristlet I got from Allie, but there was a long line out the door b/c they have a limit of the number of people that can go in at once, so I bailed. The setup was so confusing I ended up walking around the entire outlet to find my car, it was cold and I felt like people could smell booze on me so it was time to get back on the road. When I got home it was time for dinna so I got a chicken philly sandwich and fries from steakescape, love steak escape.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Save the world while saving your wallet
I just got so inspired from my last post that I thought I would write a bunch of the things EVERYONE can do with little to know effort! But first my celebrity PET PEEVE!
I've heard Jennifer Aniston say in at least three interviews I've read ( and probably more) that she saves the world by only taking showers for three minutes, umm hello if we all had someone to wax our entire body and do our hair everyday we'd all only need 3 minutes in there. Also shes the spokesperson for a bottled water company! Seriously? taking a long shower is a lot less hurtful to the world than throwing another plastic bottle on the planet. Sorry I had to rant about that its been bothering me for years!
1. Unplug appliances you aren't using, a little bit of energy still is used even when the appliances arent being on! Crazy I know so unplug
2. I'm sure you've heard your dad say "are we single handedly supporting the electric company?" Mostly because my mom likes every light on in the house but its not needed! I try to do a sweep of the rooms before I leave the house to make sure all unoccupied rooms don't have lights on for...no one.
3. Carpool, do all you and all your roommates need jobs? Okay okay this is probably a lot easier in college but get a job together (thats what me and two of my roommates did!) Work is a lot more fun along with the trip to and from. Going along with that stop driving to places you can walk to, get some fresh air its a lot more relaxing than a 2 minute car ride. I got some serious guns carrying my groceries home in London!
4.Use the same cup all day, I drink a ton of water everyday and if I got a new cup every single time it'd be disgusting and our dishwasher would be running non-stop. So going along with my calling out JA for being a poser use the same cup in your house and get a reusable water bottle for your time away from home (don't use bottled water bottles over and over they give you cancer when heated)
5. Fill your gas tank in the morning (this isn't really saving the world but it saves cash!) As all you science people know heat makes gas expand , so when you fill your tank in the hot sun you are getting less bang for your buck and then when it gets cold the gas condenses. The best time to buy your gas is in the morning, 5 am is the coldest time of day, so rise and shine :)
6. pay it forward, getting your roommates and friends to start doing these easy tricks is going to make the biggest differences since two heads is better than one.
7. Re-use things, use your old grocery receipts to write your new shopping lists on the back, if you get plastic bags from the grocery store find something to reuse them for, save all the Christmas cards you get to cut up and make tags for gifts, go one step further and save those tags for next year. Towels- I use to 2 towels for my hair and body everyday, not necessary at all, use them as many times as you can while still feeling clean. Same goes with jeans.
I've heard Jennifer Aniston say in at least three interviews I've read ( and probably more) that she saves the world by only taking showers for three minutes, umm hello if we all had someone to wax our entire body and do our hair everyday we'd all only need 3 minutes in there. Also shes the spokesperson for a bottled water company! Seriously? taking a long shower is a lot less hurtful to the world than throwing another plastic bottle on the planet. Sorry I had to rant about that its been bothering me for years!
1. Unplug appliances you aren't using, a little bit of energy still is used even when the appliances arent being on! Crazy I know so unplug
2. I'm sure you've heard your dad say "are we single handedly supporting the electric company?" Mostly because my mom likes every light on in the house but its not needed! I try to do a sweep of the rooms before I leave the house to make sure all unoccupied rooms don't have lights on for...no one.
3. Carpool, do all you and all your roommates need jobs? Okay okay this is probably a lot easier in college but get a job together (thats what me and two of my roommates did!) Work is a lot more fun along with the trip to and from. Going along with that stop driving to places you can walk to, get some fresh air its a lot more relaxing than a 2 minute car ride. I got some serious guns carrying my groceries home in London!
4.Use the same cup all day, I drink a ton of water everyday and if I got a new cup every single time it'd be disgusting and our dishwasher would be running non-stop. So going along with my calling out JA for being a poser use the same cup in your house and get a reusable water bottle for your time away from home (don't use bottled water bottles over and over they give you cancer when heated)
5. Fill your gas tank in the morning (this isn't really saving the world but it saves cash!) As all you science people know heat makes gas expand , so when you fill your tank in the hot sun you are getting less bang for your buck and then when it gets cold the gas condenses. The best time to buy your gas is in the morning, 5 am is the coldest time of day, so rise and shine :)
6. pay it forward, getting your roommates and friends to start doing these easy tricks is going to make the biggest differences since two heads is better than one.
7. Re-use things, use your old grocery receipts to write your new shopping lists on the back, if you get plastic bags from the grocery store find something to reuse them for, save all the Christmas cards you get to cut up and make tags for gifts, go one step further and save those tags for next year. Towels- I use to 2 towels for my hair and body everyday, not necessary at all, use them as many times as you can while still feeling clean. Same goes with jeans.
Grocery shopping and a bit of work in the evening
Grocery shopping! I've tried to not constantly go grocery shopping before I leave but I think it made me want to grocery shop more! Apparently I cannot live happily on canned diced tomatoes and granola bars ( I tried...for about 5 minutes) But I had such a shopping success that I WILL be able to survive the next week easy peasy. 1 bag frozen broc florets, 1 bag frozen green beans, loaf of bread, 2 frozen pizzas, 2 bags of shredded cheese, 1 can of tuna, 1 oscar mayer buffalo chicken flat wrap kit all for 13.75! Expect some loaded potato-broc, cheese, hot sauce sub fries for potato and grilled cheese. I already ate 1/2 of one of the pizzas and I'll be getting dinner via work tonight.
I get a lot of frozen vegetables because some raw vegetables are a lot harder to digest for me. I never realized it made a difference raw or cooked until I read about a boy with an allergy to raw vegetables and it was an like the clouds parted. I still eat them whenever they are around I LOVE CAULIFLOWER but on my own time I usually stick to salads.
MORAL DILEMMA- I love oscar mayer sandwich kits for their convenience but they are usually $$$ for a sandwich, I mean hello you have to put the sandwich together and they have sooo much packaging. I feel like such a typical american opening up one of those everything is in its own packaging :( after living in London it opened my eyes that other countries are making a bigger effort than us. I washed my clothes in front load washers, at the grocery store if I did not bring a reusable bag I got charged per plastic bag (which is not that fun but you remember to bring your own bags from home) and just in general they were a lot less wasteful. The bag you get your bread in becomes your lunch bag and so on. Now when I shop grocery or mall, I don't use a bag for stuff I can put in my purse or if I do have a bag already put all my purchases in one bag. This year I'm really going to try to do more and I'd love to hear what YOU do to save the world :)
I get a lot of frozen vegetables because some raw vegetables are a lot harder to digest for me. I never realized it made a difference raw or cooked until I read about a boy with an allergy to raw vegetables and it was an like the clouds parted. I still eat them whenever they are around I LOVE CAULIFLOWER but on my own time I usually stick to salads.
MORAL DILEMMA- I love oscar mayer sandwich kits for their convenience but they are usually $$$ for a sandwich, I mean hello you have to put the sandwich together and they have sooo much packaging. I feel like such a typical american opening up one of those everything is in its own packaging :( after living in London it opened my eyes that other countries are making a bigger effort than us. I washed my clothes in front load washers, at the grocery store if I did not bring a reusable bag I got charged per plastic bag (which is not that fun but you remember to bring your own bags from home) and just in general they were a lot less wasteful. The bag you get your bread in becomes your lunch bag and so on. Now when I shop grocery or mall, I don't use a bag for stuff I can put in my purse or if I do have a bag already put all my purchases in one bag. This year I'm really going to try to do more and I'd love to hear what YOU do to save the world :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wife Swap!!!

Please tell me somebody else watches this! The premise: Two families are chosen with completely different viewpoints ie: one religious strict family and wild family. Today's episode was especially crazy because there was one super religious family and then the other family (the dad anyway) basically studied the bible to rip religious peoples viewpoints apart. I watched a man cry because his daughter wrote a vow not to date on a piece of paper. I watched another man drive his daughter off in a van in the middle of the night because his daughter was being corrupted by outside forces. Omg I love it I can't get enough its constantly cringe-worthy and such a trainwreck. The thing the makes it even more funny is the swap is for two weeks and the people act like its two years in a Tibetan prison! I am not in anyway making fun of religious people, I am only making fun of insane people. But at the end of the show both parents usually realize a few of their faults and reform a little. Give this show a chance! The awkward moments in it are like The Office on crack its pretty painful but in a good way! Okay today was an especially good show and niether family learned anything so I thought I"d do my first blog post about a show. I'll probably do a few more show reviews since I don't have a job as of tomorrow @ 11 PM ( yup, I'll officially be a deadbeat) cheers!
bad pic, good lunch
Well its only 12:30 and I've done more already than I have completed in most recent days. I got up at 6am to work at my job, so 3 and 1/2 hours of work with a BIG breakfast of mediocre eggs, sausage and homefries and AMAZING coffee :) -I don't know if I have brought up the tragic loss in my life but my coffee machine broke over a week ago and I've been trudging through life without coffee-colors arent as bright, smells arent as sweet-I just cant bring myself to buy anything that will take up more room in my car on the way home. So after work I got home and immediately started looking for jobs. I wrote up a cover letter in about 10 minutes (record!!!) and sent it out. Finding and applying for jobs isnt too much fun but it does get easier at least! Now for lunch, I guilted myself out of getting subway and opted instead to make a cheaper and healthier lunch at home. I made an open faced hummus, ff cheese and lettuce sandwich. It was good, not subway but good. Interesting fact about subway-People consume more calories at Subway than when dining at most fast food restaurants-BELIEVE IT! If you eat a 12 inch its 500 cal in the bread alone and thats the lowest calorie bread, also I've never met a sandwich artist that isnt heavy handed with condiments. I make sandwiches at home 95% of the time but sometimes break down and get subway b/c of all the amazing toppings and the fact that I could throw a stone at it from my porch.
So my subway tip: have a person to split a 12-inch with, no meats w/ mayo base, and either know your splurging with a creamy condiment or go for a mustard based sauce, sweet onion or vinegar
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Feeling nostalgic
Hey everyone, so I went on a walk around campus and took a bnuch of pictures of campus! Its been so beautiful and sunny all summer and it makes me sad to leave! The top picture is our new union-soooo jealous! I didnt have a union or library for 3 years of college so that the freshman of 2009 could have an AMAZING union and library (bitter)
I went and bought yet another OSU tee-shirt to work out in and probably wear to watch games at the bar in NY.
I don't know if its been bothering you but....
All of my pictures of food have pretty much been taken on my bed or floor, the reason for the is we do not have a kitchen table and have uncomfortable bar stools. I usually eat in my room since we don't have couches in our living room anymore. So I've been thinking that everytime I take my photos incase you were wondering! Have a great day!
lunch time!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Dilemma of the century
Getting healthy-er
Okay so to do a little recap of my food today. I ate Lean Cuisine chicken pesto pasta with asparagus. I added some broccoli underneath because LC's have a skewed sauce to veggie ratio and adding veggies helps to bulk up the meal a bit. This was a good one, I reccommend it @ 340 cal. I then ate a True delights quaker dark choc and rasberry granola bar-140 cal -this was also really good but don't open it over a staircase (what I did) pieces broke off immediately and I have yet to find them all! I was hungry a few hours later and dug into a white chocolate macadamia LUNA bar-190 cal- these are always good and keep me full for atleast a few hours but I have to say CLIF bars are my absolute favorite and Lara Bars I think are well gross. Afterwards I went to send out a few pieces of mail and then went on about a 2.5 mile walk around campus, ahh I never realized how beautiful it was or how long my walk was EVERYDAY to class! An hour after I got back from my walk and watched an episode of wifeswap my new tv obsession, I got hungry :) and ate a mission wrap w/ garlic hummus and lettuce mmm delicious wrap and hummus-180.
So thats the food I've had so far, I just havent felt "satisfied" all day which is why I've been snacking so much!
I'm a calorie counter, this is the only method of dieting that really works for me so if you'd like I can write the calories of stuff so you know or if you don't like that you can tell me also, I don't count calories in veggies (kind of like WW) unless they are starchy ie: corn, potatoes, peas.
Okay well I'm spending the day looking for jobs and I might do another walk later, it is such a beautiful day and I don't know how to "work-out" unless I am in a gym
Sunday, July 12, 2009
the wedding!
I've been gone for a few days with the wedding! So Friday I'm walking out of my house to drive over to Allies and my car is gone!!! I completely forgot about "street sweeping" with all that was going on this week. Street sweeping is Columbus's fake service to collect money for the city. They go around sweeping the streets once a month and towing cars in the road. So instead of helping Allie set up things at her house I waited in line for 3 hours to get my car back. It probably couldn't have happened at a better time though I barely even cared that I paid $200 to get my car back because I was in go mode and thinking about what else I needed to do and pack before I left for the weekend. So atleast I got to the rehearsal dinner :) and Allie got all the bridesmaids adorable Coach wristlets! Mine was all white, she knows me so well! I'm not a big logo girl I actually think they are tacky except for my chanel bag, chanel can ALWAYS be obnoxiously advertised in huge letters! She also made everybody picture frames and got me a special MOH gift certificate! I just loved everything and it made me feel proud of myself for how much work I have done for the wedding! I've always been the type of person to try to do more than is expected of me and this was no exception!
Friday night I actually got some sleep at Allies parents house and woke up the next day to go to Allies makeup appointment and then get to the church! We all ate turkey subs and were hungry for dinner once that came too! and I thought nerves would stop hunger! Never!!! The wedding was so amazing and Allie looked soo beautiful in her dress! My speech went awesome and for me to say that says a lot! I thanked the p's said a funny story and told everyone how much Allie and Jon meant to me! I've watched so many wedding toasts and the best man always has witty fun toasts and the MOH's are usually lame speeches or bawling their eyes out, so I practiced a ton in my room and was constantly tweeking it to make it as good as possible! I was determined to have the better of the two speeches, I'm competitive like that! I'd like to think mine was the best! I didn't cry during it either so even more yay!
So the wedding was a blast! I had a ton of alcohol, I'll tell you 3 glasses of champagne in a limo before a toast is really the key to getting rid of any nervousness! I can't even begin to count how much I drank at the reception! I was at the reception from 4 until 1 am! I stopped drinking at 11:30 though. I then decided to sleep in the back seat of my car (thanks to the drinks) and woke up at 4 am absolutely freezing but sober!!! So I drove home at 4 am in my dress :)
Now the present, today was not healthy or even semi-healthy. I had a chicken melt, I have never had a melt so I'm pretty sure I ate mayonaisse today but I was ok with it because I needed some hangover food I only could finish half of the sandwich and a few fries (not like me), I then dragged my bed out of my room and into the living room and went out and bought an air mattress at Big Lots for the next 2 weeks (only $25 and who can't use an air mattress). Someone was SUPPOSED to pick up my bed today but did not even call-SO FRUSTRATING hence my earlier craigslist rant post! I'll give her until tomorrow and then I'm re-posting it because I need to sell it, I had a lot of interested buyers and ummm its taking up my entire living room! I'm about to blow up my air mattress and realize that I need some 1.5 bolt batteries so I run to CVS and they just happen to be having a BOGO sale on batteries! Yes, I love when you don't even try and you get good deals, also I got a bottle of softsoap for 99 cents not amazing but at CVS it is. then I drove to T-bell and got two chicken burritos ughh why! I figured I'd make a day of eating bad food! This sadly is what works for me I feel so sick and terrible that I WANT to eat healthy for a week! We'll see how well that works, if I get hungry tonight I'm only letting myself eat fruit or veggies b/c thats what I NEED no more processed crap! So anyways if you read that entire post thank you! I had a great weekend and just can't stop talking about it! Have a great day everyone!
Friday night I actually got some sleep at Allies parents house and woke up the next day to go to Allies makeup appointment and then get to the church! We all ate turkey subs and were hungry for dinner once that came too! and I thought nerves would stop hunger! Never!!! The wedding was so amazing and Allie looked soo beautiful in her dress! My speech went awesome and for me to say that says a lot! I thanked the p's said a funny story and told everyone how much Allie and Jon meant to me! I've watched so many wedding toasts and the best man always has witty fun toasts and the MOH's are usually lame speeches or bawling their eyes out, so I practiced a ton in my room and was constantly tweeking it to make it as good as possible! I was determined to have the better of the two speeches, I'm competitive like that! I'd like to think mine was the best! I didn't cry during it either so even more yay!
So the wedding was a blast! I had a ton of alcohol, I'll tell you 3 glasses of champagne in a limo before a toast is really the key to getting rid of any nervousness! I can't even begin to count how much I drank at the reception! I was at the reception from 4 until 1 am! I stopped drinking at 11:30 though. I then decided to sleep in the back seat of my car (thanks to the drinks) and woke up at 4 am absolutely freezing but sober!!! So I drove home at 4 am in my dress :)
Now the present, today was not healthy or even semi-healthy. I had a chicken melt, I have never had a melt so I'm pretty sure I ate mayonaisse today but I was ok with it because I needed some hangover food I only could finish half of the sandwich and a few fries (not like me), I then dragged my bed out of my room and into the living room and went out and bought an air mattress at Big Lots for the next 2 weeks (only $25 and who can't use an air mattress). Someone was SUPPOSED to pick up my bed today but did not even call-SO FRUSTRATING hence my earlier craigslist rant post! I'll give her until tomorrow and then I'm re-posting it because I need to sell it, I had a lot of interested buyers and ummm its taking up my entire living room! I'm about to blow up my air mattress and realize that I need some 1.5 bolt batteries so I run to CVS and they just happen to be having a BOGO sale on batteries! Yes, I love when you don't even try and you get good deals, also I got a bottle of softsoap for 99 cents not amazing but at CVS it is. then I drove to T-bell and got two chicken burritos ughh why! I figured I'd make a day of eating bad food! This sadly is what works for me I feel so sick and terrible that I WANT to eat healthy for a week! We'll see how well that works, if I get hungry tonight I'm only letting myself eat fruit or veggies b/c thats what I NEED no more processed crap! So anyways if you read that entire post thank you! I had a great weekend and just can't stop talking about it! Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
just another "must-have"

I just thought of another product that I love. There is not one thing I can complain about when it comes to this product-the smell AMAZING, the outcome of using it AMAZING, the price, okay yes if it were free then this truly would be a gift from the gods but this is truly a LESS IS MORE product and one $24 bottle will last a year if you play your cards right and trust me I have a ton of hair. If you are a girl that repeatedly abuses her hair-highlights, blow-drying, straightening and curling ring a bell? One pea sized quirt of this serum when you hair is towel dried and you will not believe your eyes. Its the product your hair stylist puts in your hair and you cant stop touching or smelling it, yes this is it! I have extremely fine hair but a lot of it so my hair it full of snarls when I shower or move for that matter. This serum makes my hair super managable when wet and keeps it from getting all snarly when its dry and I'm living my life! Okay now I'm seriously going to clean my room and hopefully be in bed by 1. Goodnight lovelies!
getting my gourmet on
hello this is a late post paired with a late dinner. You caught me I again went to the grocery store! I just couldn't bare to eat anything else I had-I finished off my pasta salad, my shredded chicken, a can of soup and made a pizza wrap which I wish I took a picture of because it was awesome! but then I knew grocery shopping was in my future! I think I'll be staying until July 23rd though soo I'll probably need some more food anyways ;) I got some ethnic gourmet meals! They are all natural ( I checked, they have completely readable ingredients) I just love Pad thai! Its one of my favorite foods on earth and living in C-bus, Ohio I don't get nearly enough of it! I will tell you where the best pad thai on the planet is though Sea restaurant in NYC!!! Although I will give a shout out to North Market in Columbus for an honorary award although I did not know what to make of the tofu they gave me-very rubbery and greasy...okay okay back to the frozen pad thai w/ tofu I ate...noodles were a bit soggy which was dissapointing, it did have a really good flavor though and for a frozen dinner I think it did a really good job putting in all the essential ingredients of pad thai-crushed peanuts, scallions, carrots. So I would say go and get this for quick dinner at home don't be expecting a super authentic pad thai but a a pretty decent imposter. cheers!
Also This weekend is going to be super busy and internet-less. I'm heading over to Allies for last minute setting up then rehearsal dinner. I'm sleeping over and then ofcourse THE WEDDING!!! I believe I'm sleeping in a tent in the backyard Saturday soooo I wont be posting until Sunday when I'll be moving my bed out of my room and I'll literally have the world's saddest emptiest room ever!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
mehh day
So I went over to my friends and her apartment is gorgeous, we got to look through all her shower gifts and put them around the apartment.
I called home just to make a quick call to my parents about picking me up from Ohio and my mom told me that my dog Katie is not doing well at all. She's 15 and a cocker spaniel so I get it that shes old but its so sad I've had her since I was 7 years old. I was home in March and she was doing great so its just a shock to me. It seems like she always rallies back to health but I guess shes doing pretty bad and my parents don't want her to have to live in pain. All I can think of is how I had the cutest picture of her on my cell phone but I had to replace it after a month of dropped calls I couldnt transfer it because the phone was completely defective. If there was ever a commercial NOT to get T-Mobile this would be it. I'm so mad at T-mobile right now I never had the chance to go home and take another picture of her.
I called home just to make a quick call to my parents about picking me up from Ohio and my mom told me that my dog Katie is not doing well at all. She's 15 and a cocker spaniel so I get it that shes old but its so sad I've had her since I was 7 years old. I was home in March and she was doing great so its just a shock to me. It seems like she always rallies back to health but I guess shes doing pretty bad and my parents don't want her to have to live in pain. All I can think of is how I had the cutest picture of her on my cell phone but I had to replace it after a month of dropped calls I couldnt transfer it because the phone was completely defective. If there was ever a commercial NOT to get T-Mobile this would be it. I'm so mad at T-mobile right now I never had the chance to go home and take another picture of her.
Ode to Make-up Snob

As I was reading http://www.themakeupsnob.com/ it occurred to me that I have 3 products I would bet my life on and share with everyone I know.
They are all from Lancome, I absolutely love them, they are a little pricey but WORTH every penny I promise! I have longish lashes but after Lancome Primer, and Lancome Hypnose mascara they get ridiculous! I try to pair my department store make-up purchases with the free gifts so that I get a lot of fun make-up and products I might not buy but obviously I'd want to try! Lancomes make up remover is amazing! I use to be the girl pulling under my eyes to get my liner off but that is soo terrible and that skin is very delicate and I don't need huge bags in my life so this is my saving grace!
Lashes tip- if I'm feeling super ambitious I hold my eyelash curler underneath my blow dryer for 15 seconds to heat it a little then I curl my lashes when only the primer is on then coat with mascara
Okay so go out and buy these and see how right I am!
fun and games
So cleaning out our living room I found all my games that I brought, I thought I'd bring some special attention to catchphrase because that game is just so much fun I have the music edition but theres the original too. Texas hold 'em for dummies was NEVER used but I think I'm going to make my dad play with me when I get home, I kind of know how to play poker but thats like saying I know how to lose money :)
So now my pasta salad. I made it this morning and let it cool for an hour and a half before digging in. I dropped some frozen beans and spinach in when the pasta was boiling so I wouldnt dirty another bowl in the microwave. Its Smart choice elbows, so its whole wheat that gets all the nutrients bleached out and then put back in artificially- I bought this for mac and cheese awhile ago and it was in no terms supposed to be healthy so it did its job. I had some FF zesty italian dressing I poured on and then chopped up two string cheese sticks. I enjoyed it a lot but you can definately tell the difference in the dressing, all the oil in the regular italian dressing makes such a beautiful harmony with the pasta that FF dressing can not live up to. But for 15 calories a serving as opposed to....more I'll deal with it.
Today I'm going to see my best friends new place with her husband to be on saturday! so excited!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
attempting a peaceful walk in C-bus
So I went on a little night walk to just take in some fresh air and calm myself. I love walks outside, none of my roommates do which is a shame so I just have coldplay sing to me through my ipod. I arrange my walks so that I avoid bar patios and walk on our empty campus just to have it be even more peaceful.
So I'm starting
on my peaceful walk and crossing a road a white car starts beeping at me. I just keep walking but can tell its actually stopped behind me and beeps even more so I'm like "wow this has to be one of my friends" I turn around and its some 30 year old guy and his bud. Now I would say 99% of the girl population hates being beeped at by men. I don't really see what they get out of it, the horn is not a mating call men its a noise that makes signifies bad driving. If I'm dressed up with a bunch of girls I get it it's kind of funny but when you are alone wearing sweats, no makeup and over sized sunglasses its downright annoying and kind of scary. I'm posting this because it really ruined my walk, especially since my over sized sunglasses were blocking my vicious glare, so if one guy reads this and realizes this annoying way to get a girls attention is just that annoying, and waits until hes not in a moving vehicle to hit on a girl it will make it all worth it :)
So I'm starting

breakfast/lunch recap
lunch was the same thing as yesterday except I added some spinach. a 1/2 cup of shredded chicken, a roll (these rolls are tiny and white bread :( I wish I hadnt bought them but you know those 49 cents deals at kroger are hard to pass up! A cheese stick and the rest of my fresh bag of spinach, the bowl was overflowing before I put it in the microwave and it shrunk to the bottom of the bowl after.
AMAZING NEWS! I finally sold my desk and bookshelf-it is paid for and gone! I also sold my sterlite plastic drawer set and cubic storage thingy! I'm so glad, not only because I sold it but because I wont have to throw it away. I would have tried to bring it to goodwill if I couldn't sell it but I'm not sure if my car could fit much in it.
I think the people that bought it were college students which I'm happy about because you HAVE to buy furniture for your rooms but its usually not stuff you are going to keep forever, mine was in great condition but anything I bought from the "plastic storage" department in Target isnt something I'd want past college so I got to make a little money while they got to save a lot of money, EVERYONE WINS!
Monday, July 6, 2009
shopping success!
One of the reasons I will miss Ohio State University-having an Urban Outfitters within walking distance from my house. Urban is like a super expensive hipster Target, they have furniture, housewares, books, clothes, and ofcourse purses. I went to Urban Outfitters today armed with my birthday giftcard, I got a purse and a checkbook wallet. I cant tell you how much I love checkbook wallets, they keep everything so organized and look so much nicer than normal wallets and can still fit into clutch bags. Also I can buy crazier designs because it doesnt have to match anything! Okay I'll calm down as I keep opening and closing my wallet and purse. They have a pretty good sale going on if you don't mind rummaging through piles of stuff.
will power FAIL
okay so I'll admit it I went grocery shopping yesterday after promising myself I wouldn't until after I left Columbus. I think I bought some vital things though:ice cream cookie sandwiches, colbyjack cheese sticks, hummus and a tub of Chi Chis refrigerated shredded chicken. I was getting so bored with what I had at home that I negotiated with myself if I bought a few things I would actually save money instead of going to get food at a casual place about twice; I got everything @ the grocery store for $13.
So for lunch I had shredded chicken with a hamburger roll to dip into it and a cheese stick, grocery purchases already showing their value.
I highly reccomend Chi Chi's chredded chicken its soo good and so easy if you are bored with the usual turkey sandwich. I'm not sure about the sodium I'm sure its high but its 60 cal/2g of fat for a 1/4 cup which fills a sandwich so I'm not going to complain.
So for lunch I had shredded chicken with a hamburger roll to dip into it and a cheese stick, grocery purchases already showing their value.
I highly reccomend Chi Chi's chredded chicken its soo good and so easy if you are bored with the usual turkey sandwich. I'm not sure about the sodium I'm sure its high but its 60 cal/2g of fat for a 1/4 cup which fills a sandwich so I'm not going to complain.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
speech complete, present wrapped, car wants some gas
So I finished my MOH speech and for the rest of the day I have felt like I couldnt do anything because I was on the verge of tears! So embarrassing I hate being an emotional girl! I talked to my friend who recently has moved to cincinati and I'm probably driving there to see the Counting Crows with him tomorrow. I saw them last some in Saratoga, NY Adam is a real trip to watch he cries when he sings, hes crazy I love it. I've always had a crush on him. I take that back I have a crush on all of the singers whose music I listen to.
lunch and a beautiful day
For lunch today I decided to try cottage cheese and tuna, I saw this combo on www.katheats.com I used one can of solid white tuna in water, 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and a ton of mustard. I was sad I didnt have any celery because thats my favorite part of tuna. It was pretty bland though but I have a feeling all that protein will keep me full for a while. Does anyone have any exciting tuna recipes that do not include mayo ( I dont like it) Today's plans are soaking up some sun, putting together my MOH speech and walking to urban outfitters because I still have a b-day giftcard to there!
Happy Fourth of July
Hey I know its a little past midnight but I just got home from work and wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th! I hope everyone got to see some fireworks!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Good afternoon
I woke up today REALLY wanting coffee!
Last night got a little crazy drink and foodwise. Allie and I split a burger and then decided we wanted more so I made allie go up and work her "bachelorette" charms and we got another free burger and a HUGE plate of fries. I'll tell you if you want free drinks the whole night being a bachelorette is a perfect plan!
I made skittles for our pregame! which consisted of diet mountain dew, half a packet of crystal light (the big packets) and korski vodka (classy)! it was so good, its usually made with koolaid but crystal light hid the vodka beautifully.
Another Drinking tip: if you are prone to hangovers it may be the alcohol you drink, cheaper liquor and wine is filled with sugar which will give you a killer hangover as opposed to the more expensive stuff.
When we got there everyone was really interested in the bachelorettes outfit but it was not late enough in the night for people to buy us drinks yet, we went out at 7 because one of our roomates had work at 6 today. But within a few hours we had drinks coming out of the woodwork!
So the night was a blast Allie and I got kind of lost together and wandered around the bar ( this usually happens) and only one sad man who told us marriage was a sham and everyone gets divorced put a bit of a damper on the night because he wouldnt leave us alone but other than that- we ate, we drank, we danced- songs requested-Whitney Houston-I wanna dance with somebody, lady gaga-just dance.
Last night got a little crazy drink and foodwise. Allie and I split a burger and then decided we wanted more so I made allie go up and work her "bachelorette" charms and we got another free burger and a HUGE plate of fries. I'll tell you if you want free drinks the whole night being a bachelorette is a perfect plan!
I made skittles for our pregame! which consisted of diet mountain dew, half a packet of crystal light (the big packets) and korski vodka (classy)! it was so good, its usually made with koolaid but crystal light hid the vodka beautifully.
Another Drinking tip: if you are prone to hangovers it may be the alcohol you drink, cheaper liquor and wine is filled with sugar which will give you a killer hangover as opposed to the more expensive stuff.
When we got there everyone was really interested in the bachelorettes outfit but it was not late enough in the night for people to buy us drinks yet, we went out at 7 because one of our roomates had work at 6 today. But within a few hours we had drinks coming out of the woodwork!
So the night was a blast Allie and I got kind of lost together and wandered around the bar ( this usually happens) and only one sad man who told us marriage was a sham and everyone gets divorced put a bit of a damper on the night because he wouldnt leave us alone but other than that- we ate, we drank, we danced- songs requested-Whitney Houston-I wanna dance with somebody, lady gaga-just dance.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
quick dinner
I had my so-so pasta leftovers. I added about a tablespoon of cayenne pepper powder and WHOA that was not my smartest idea. I think its not the taste of the sauce its the fact that there was nothing else in it like shrimp, veggies or mass amounts of cheese to keep me entertained. I was force-fed spagetti and meatballs too much as a kid I guess. Alright I'm heading out pretty soon wearing a black ruffle dress I got from an HM in London! Ahh miss that city sooo much! I put a picture of the ceiling of the British Museum, it was my favorite thing in the whole museum. Cheers!
Hey again I got a little hungry and decided to break for lunch although its 3:30, I will need to eat right before we go out too because I'm a light weight when it comes to alcohol :) so I made a broccoli and cheese pizza on a tortilla with a bunch of carrots and snap peas on the side! I microwaved the veggies in a little bit of water so they softened up and it actually worked!
Hangover and drinking tips: The first two I learned from a nurse
1. Wonder why the drinking age is 21? Its because your liver is not fully developed until you are 21 so its really bad for you to be drinking before that
2. Eating fried or greasy food when you drink helps absorb a lot of the alcohol which makes a nicer pace for the liver to filter alcohol
3. This is my personal tip so not from a medical minded person or even a responsible person for that matter. Chug water and by that I mean atleast 3 glasses before you go to bed and everytime you wake up to go to the bathroom drink a glass of water to replace it. I'm happy to say I've never had a life crippling hangover.
As I get older I really see that difference in my skin after a night of heavy drinking! so definately no close-ups tomorrow!
Alright Have a good day and I hope no one is offended by this post!
yesterdays sins, and tonights future sins
Hey everyone,
I woke up had some coffee and a square of my quiche and its on to packing! I finally took down the corona banner and blow-up plane from our jacquzzi room, yeah we never ever used it but I still had a tear in my eye as I ripped down all the potential we had for being on MTV Cribs.
So tonight I am going out to celebrate a 2nd bachelorette party for my roomate allie whos getting married hosted by my roomates who didnt get to come out for the first one. Too bad yesterday was my cheat day! oops I ate an entire Market Pantry bag of trail mix from Target, yes the entire bag. I tried to rationalize that the peanuts had protein and my body unconsciously made me eat the entire thing to get the much needed protein. Like when you eat ice cubes when you are low on iron, except peanuts have calories. So if I havent proved it before I'm not a role model for a healthy lifestyle :) Have an awesome day!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Amy's Indian Palak Paneer Review
So I decided to give one of these meals a try on my college kid budget because every time I read about one of these meals it gets rave reviews! This meal was not all that awesome, not by a long shot! If you look at the picture you can see it doesnt look that appetizing but in general indian food is not about presentation it is about all the spices and flavors inside so I dived in. It was pretty bland and not at all exciting and A LOT of rice. These meals generally cost one and a half times a regular frozen dinner so it was pretty disapointing to have half my meal consist of rice even if it was organic. I will be trying another one soon because I think I just bought the black sheep of the group but I am not recommending this one.
another boring day.
Hey everyone, just another boring day for me. I made some so-so pasta with a cottage cheese, sour cream and Healthy choice garlic and herb sauce which hopefully I 'll put in some cayenne and other ingredients tomorrow and make it taste a little better. Big news though I made more than one serving of pasta and didnt eat it all! It helps when its not that good though.
Then I drank a slimfast meal on the go drink an hour later. I never would actually drink one of those and be satisfied meal-wise but it has 5g fiber and 190 calories so for a snack/chocolate fix I recommend it.
I know I have not announced this before but I feel like all bloggers do so I will and I'll put it in my "bio" as well. I am by no means a dietition, I do not write down any food suggestions as a doctor or know anything medically about what it will do to you. Although if you are searching the internet for medical advice I think you are probably rolling the dice anyways. I know that a lot of the things I eat fiber one bars, diet pepsi, frozen dinners, slimfast have a lot of chemical ingredients that are not great for the body and I'll continue eating and drinking them soo I'm not a role model by any means. I just want to post some recipes I do that may be of interest and be somewhat accountable for what I eat by blogging it and maybe reach out to people in the same situation or just people that like blogs. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'm going to lay in bed eating some really delicious and calorie dense trail mix while watching a netflix movie becuase I've felt mehh all day .
Tonight I shall be eating my first Amys Frozen dinner. These are actually pretty healthy or atleast organic so stay tuned!
Then I drank a slimfast meal on the go drink an hour later. I never would actually drink one of those and be satisfied meal-wise but it has 5g fiber and 190 calories so for a snack/chocolate fix I recommend it.
I know I have not announced this before but I feel like all bloggers do so I will and I'll put it in my "bio" as well. I am by no means a dietition, I do not write down any food suggestions as a doctor or know anything medically about what it will do to you. Although if you are searching the internet for medical advice I think you are probably rolling the dice anyways. I know that a lot of the things I eat fiber one bars, diet pepsi, frozen dinners, slimfast have a lot of chemical ingredients that are not great for the body and I'll continue eating and drinking them soo I'm not a role model by any means. I just want to post some recipes I do that may be of interest and be somewhat accountable for what I eat by blogging it and maybe reach out to people in the same situation or just people that like blogs. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'm going to lay in bed eating some really delicious and calorie dense trail mix while watching a netflix movie becuase I've felt mehh all day .
Tonight I shall be eating my first Amys Frozen dinner. These are actually pretty healthy or atleast organic so stay tuned!
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